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Bar bans high-tech glasses: Seattle Bar Ban G-Glasses

A Seattle bar says once Google Glass comes out, it won't be welcome in their establishment. They're not even available for purchase yet, but a Seattle bar has already said a new tech accessory from Google will not be allowed at their establishment. Seattle's 5 Point Cafe posted a message to their Facebook page saying: "For the record, The 5 Point is the first Seattle business to ban in advance Google Glasses. And [butt] kickings will be encouraged for violators." Google Glass is a new product Google is developing. The eyewear can take pictures, video and display info like mapping directions and social conversations on the small eye viewer. 5 Point owner Dave Meinert acknowledges Seattle is a techie town and sooner or later folks around here will be walking around with the new shades. "The 5 Point appeals to a wide variety of people," says Meinert. "Some of the tech geeks come here, we're close by Amazon [...] It's OK if you wear them.